The Wokingian

Links to scanned copies of the school magazine, The Wokingian.

  1. Summer 1953 (External site)

  2. Summer 1954 (External site)

  3. January 1955 (External site)

  4. July 1960 (External site)

  5. January 1963 (External site)


  1. Thank you for setting up this blog. I'm one of the youngest "old boys" having joined the school in 1974.

  2. I have the very last Wokingian in my possession - July 1977, giving the history of the school from 1914 to 1977. Also in my possession is Wokingian from Jan 1976. Although these are both after my time at WCGSB, I'm certain this website could benefit from scans of both.

    Great blog!

    Alan Wheeler.
